Edward Lee
As a medical consultant and surgeon I am dedicated to keeping my knowledge up to date, and skills at the very highest level. I work with compassion, care and attention to detail. I strive to give a careful, considerate and friendly service to every patient.
MA (Oxon) BM BCh PhD FRCOphth
About My Practice
I am extremely enthusiastic about my profession and vocation. Ophthalmology is a field where great improvements can be made in quality of life with relatively safe and non-invasive interventions.
Clinic work is fulfilling as diagnoses are usually made just by talking to the patient and looking with a slit-lamp (a form of microscope), rather than relying on complex investigations, and many outcomes have been transformed by treatments that have become available during my time as a consultant.
The procedures performed as an eye surgeon involve precision, focus and dedication to master. They also involve fantastic new technologies that have had a tremendous impact on what can be achieved in recent years, and are continuing to evolve.

NHS work and ethos
My NHS base is Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust, where I am a substantive Consultant Ophthalmologist and Surgeon, and holder of a clinical excellence award. My roles in the department include running medical and surgical retina clinics as well as operating lists for the more challenging or higher risk cataract procedures, and for retinal procedures. For the last three years I have been the local lead for training (College Tutor), which has been an opportunity to share my enthusiasm and train developing surgeons and clinicians. I have now taken on the role of Lead Consultant for the Cataract Service and Theatres. I am absolutely committed to achieving the best possible outcomes, being caring and of course being open and honest. I ensure the outcomes of surgeries I perform are continually and independently audited and submitted to the National Ophthalmology database and The Private Healthcare Information Network. I also subscribe to an independent service for collecting reviews and feedback and am very proud that these reflect a gentle and empathetic approach.

"Ophthalmology is a field where great improvements can be made in quality of life with relatively safe and non-invasive interventions"
I went to Oxford University Medical School, where I won an Open Academic Scholarship from Brasenose College and a number of prizes following end of year exams. Since qualifying I have worked in the U.K. and New Zealand before sub-specialising with excellent specialist fellowships at St.Thomas’ Hospital and Moorfields Eye Hospital in London. I received superb training and since qualifying as a consultant have continued to work hard at developing skills and Knowledge

"I am absolutely committed to achieving the best possible outcomes, being caring and of course being open and honest"