I am fee assured with all major insurance companies.This means I have agreed to the insurance rates and do not "short-fall" patients top-up fees in addition to that paid by insurance companies.

Self Pay Fees
Initial consultation £240
Follow up £165
You will be emailed ahead of any consultation the fees due. If investigations will be associated with additional costs from the hospital or myself you will be warned in advance.
Intravitreal injections from £700
For AMD or retinal vein occlusion Package price for drug cost as well as hospital and consultant fees for the procedure.
Cataract surgery from £2400
With standard lens. This is a package price including hospital and consultant fees for the procedure and one follow-up visit.
from £4000
Vitrectomy for floaters. Package price including hospital and consultant fees for the procedure and up to 3 follow up visits.
YAG laser capsulotomy from £500
Package price including hospital and consultant fees for the procedure.
Complex Vitrectomy from £5500
Vitrectomy and epiretinal membrane removal or macula hole repair. Package price including hospital and consultant fees for the procedure and up to 3 follow up visits.